Pizza Truck Catering

Ten Years ago the good Lord blessed Grace and I with the greatest gift we could have hoped for and our lives will never be the same….while it’s tough to see it going by so fast, we are so happy to see her growing and developing into such an amazing person.  Friday I catered with the big rig at Yale, New Haven, then ran the pizza truck back to our home, set up and we with Victoria’s guests who had  blast learning about, and making pizzas.  Grace had our newly remodeled family room all set up for a slumber party, Karaoke on the Wii machine, games and activities for the 10 girls who came and made it such a fun party…..Of course, Rosebud was very popular.  We’d like to thank all the girls who came, and their parents who spent some interactive pizza truck time with us….hop you enjoy the pics!

Best, Bruce and Grace Lyon

School of pizza 2015

Pizza school

Pizza School 2015Heart Pizza 2015